Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2023 | Venture Forward: Game Changing through Innovation

As the world emerges from the shadows of the pandemic into a new dawn of opportunity, funders and founders are aspiring new breakthroughs from the lingering global market uncertainties, economic and geopolitical issues. From 31 October – 1 November, global venture capitalists and industry leaders will gather together at the Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2023 to discuss a plethora of trending topics – FinTech, Web3, AI, ESG and social impact investment, and emerging tech sectors that are reshaping the VC landscape and investors' priories, as well as sharing insights on how start-ups can harness geopolitical advantages and market opportunities in Hong Kong, the GBA regions, Middle East and Asian countries. Themed “Venture Forward: Game Changing through Innovation”, CVCF will take place at Cyberport this year with integrated online engagements, offering an action-packed experience with keynote, panel sessions, innovator showcases, pitches, investor matching, start-up clinic, workshops, and more. Don't forget to join the spotlight event – GreenTech & Sustainability Venture Day (1 Nov) and updates on carbon emission reduction, sustainability, and the transformative power of green technologies! The future is now: be part of the premiere venture extravaganza and discover VC and networking opportunities.

Date: 31 October – 1 November 2023 (Tuesday – Wednesday)

Venue: Cyberport

Website: https://cvcf.cyberport.hk/en/index

Register NOW: https://cvcf.cyberport.hk/en/2023registration
**Use the discount code suppcomp to get Full Access Pass at HKD300 (standard price HKD1,000) and/ or Exhibitor Pass at HKD500 (standard price HKD1,500)